Thursday, 20 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: youth justice system


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Ministers statements: youth justice system

Enver ERDOGAN (Northern Metropolitan – Minister for Casino, Gaming and Liquor Regulation, Minister for Corrections, Minister for Youth Justice) (12:07): I rise today to update the house on our government’s commitment to reducing reoffending amongst young people in the youth justice system. We know the best outcome is to prevent young people from coming into contact with the criminal justice system in the first place, and we are having some success. Last financial year more than 98 per cent of Children’s Court diversion plans were completed successfully, well above our target of 90 per cent. We also know that the young people that do enter our youth justice system are an increasingly complex cohort, with a range of issues driving their offending behaviour. That is why, as part of our comprehensive approach to community safety, the Victorian government has invested in multisystemic therapy and functional family therapy. These are two internationally recognised intervention programs that are proven to address the root causes of youth offending and break the cycle of harm. Therapists work intensively with young people and their families over a period of four months, providing up to 60 hours of tailored support. The focus is on giving parents and caregivers the skills and support systems necessary to guide their child away from crime and towards positive engagement with their education, employment and the wider community. Functional family therapy builds on this by addressing family conflict, negative behaviour patterns and poor communication. The program works closely with families to reduce conflict, increase motivation for change and improve relationships, ultimately creating a more stable and supportive home environment. By addressing the root causes of offending, these programs are about supporting young people to get their lives back on track, reducing recidivism and making the community safer. I want to thank our youth justice staff and community partners, particularly OzChild and Anglicare Victoria, for their hard work and commitment to helping these young people and delivering for our community.