Thursday, 20 March 2025

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Health funding

Georgie CROZIER, Jaclyn SYMES

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Health funding

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:09): (863) At the request of those opposite, my question is to the Treasurer. The Premier has said:

… in our government, my government, we believe women, we respect women and we support women … and we are making sure that their care cannot be dismissed …

Jaclyn Symes interjected.

Georgie CROZIER: Treasurer, the question is to you. I am just doing a quote from the Premier.

Lizzie Blandthorn: On a point of order, President, I think we genuinely on this side did not hear who the question was for and so missed the start of the question.

The PRESIDENT: Ms Crozier, are you happy to start from the start? We will reset the clock.

Georgie CROZIER: My question is to the Treasurer. The Premier has said:

… in our government, my government, we believe women, we respect women and we support women … and we are making sure that their care cannot be dismissed …

The Allan Labor government is selling the Royal Women’s Hospital’s family accommodation site to a developer. Is the government so desperate for money that you, Treasurer, are happy to force mothers with sick newborns and women needing cancer treatment onto the street?

Members interjecting.

Georgie Crozier: On a point of order, President, I know that Ms Shing wants to answer this question, but my question is directed to the Treasurer and I would like her to answer it, please.

The PRESIDENT: I will repeat that a member has got every right to ask a question of a certain minister. It does not guarantee that that minister will say that it is in their responsibility, but I will put the question to the Treasurer.

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:11): Ms Crozier, the matter that you refer to has nothing to do with the Victorian budget. The minister next to me has indicated that in one of her portfolios she could provide further information if you were wanting to direct the question to her. But given you have directed it to me, it is not a matter that falls within my remit.

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:12): I find it stunning that the Treasurer has not even read the front page of the Age today, where it references Tim Pallas identifying sites. That is your predecessor, the former Treasurer. So I ask: given the average price of a hotel room in Melbourne rose to $234 last year, why in the middle of a cost-of-living crisis has the Treasurer forced mothers with sick newborns and women needing cancer treatment to pay for expensive hotels by selling the Royal Women’s Hospital’s accommodation site to a developer?

The PRESIDENT: This puts me in a position where the minister has answered the question, saying that particular topic is not within the remit of her portfolio, and then the supplementary question is on that same issue. But I will put the supplementary to the Treasurer.

Members interjecting.

Jaclyn SYMES (Northern Victoria – Treasurer, Minister for Industrial Relations, Minister for Regional Development) (12:13): As the interjections have indicated, the hospital declared this property and land surplus. It is a conversation that we have been having over several weeks in relation to opposition members seeking to create questions for incorrect ministers. As always, I am attempting to be helpful, but in this instance Ms Crozier should take the advice to direct her questions to the correct minister.

Georgie CROZIER (Southern Metropolitan) (12:13): I move:

That the Treasurer’s answer be taken into consideration on the next day of meeting.

Motion agreed to.