Thursday, 20 March 2025

Members statements

Toorak Park


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Toorak Park

John BERGER (Southern Metropolitan) (09:54): I also had the great opportunity to represent the Minister for Community Sport in the other place, Minister Spence, at the official opening of the massive overhaul of the pavilion and oval at Toorak Park in Armadale. It is all thanks to $3 million from the Allan Labor government’s local sports grants initiative. The new facilities will provide local clubs like the Prahran Cricket Club, Old Xaverians Football Club and Prahran Football Club with a modern venue with larger ovals, new drainage and irrigation and energy-efficient LED lighting that meets professional standards. More baggy greens and grand final heroes will be from our community thanks to this investment. It is a game changer for more than 1400 members of these local clubs, and I am very proud we have supported it. Well done to all involved.