Thursday, 20 March 2025

Constituency questions

Northern Metropolitan Region


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Northern Metropolitan Region

Evan MULHOLLAND (Northern Metropolitan) (12:46): (1487) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety and concerns the desperate need for the duplication of Donnybrook Road. Members might be interested to know that this is my 21st time raising Donnybrook Road in Parliament – so, happy 21st. It appears the pressure is working. I note that last month the government established a shiny new webpage promising this duplication. I ask the minister to advise how much money has been set aside for technical investigation, which the Big Build site says is underway, and when will an actual business case be completed?

John Berger interjected.

Evan MULHOLLAND: Mr Berger in this place has jeered for me to stop talking about Donnybrook Road – that I talk about it too much; it is all I ever talk about. Well, that is because I will not stop fighting for my community, who have an old farm track as a main exit onto the Hume. They are stuck in traffic gridlock every day. It takes an hour just to get onto the Hume in peak hour. It is a disgrace.