Thursday, 20 March 2025

Constituency questions

North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Richard WELCH

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North-Eastern Metropolitan Region

Richard WELCH (North-Eastern Metropolitan) (12:51): (1492) My constituency matter is for the Minister for Planning. Recently we have had a range of activity centres declared, including Blackburn in my electorate. There is some high-level detail provided about 20-storey buildings and six-storey apartments 800 metres from the station – in that range – but there is considerable concern in my community about what that is going to mean for them and whether the intention is for Blackburn Village to be demolished and rebuilt as 20-storey towers, a complete change of lifestyle for the residents of the community. Of course that concern is exacerbated by a vacuum of information. The fact is that other precincts have had their draft plans published; Blackburn has not. In fact the people of Blackburn do not even know when it will be published, so my question to the minister is: please let us know when it will be published.