Thursday, 23 March 2023
Members statements
Anthony CARBINES (Ivanhoe – Minister for Police, Minister for Crime Prevention, Minister for Racing) (09:41): On the weekend, on the very steps of this building, the people’s Parliament, the heart of our democracy, anti-transgender activists gathered to speak and to spread hate. Some performed a Nazi salute. Nazis are not welcome here; they are not welcome anywhere. Victoria Police has a tough job. They put their lives on the line 24/7 to keep Victorians safe. Our government does not interfere in the operations of Victoria Police. You only have to look at section 10 of the Victoria Police Act 2013 to know that. As advised by the Chief Commissioner of Police, Victoria Police established lines to keep protest groups separate. Just imagine the potential riots, the violence and the chaos if police were not present on Saturday. Our government, and I hope this Parliament, thanks police for the work that they do to keep Victorians safe every day. Our government banned the Hakenkreuz, the swastika, and the Attorney-General has made it clear we will also ban that evil salute.
As the Minister for Police for our state, as the member for Ivanhoe district and as a member of the Labor Party for over 30 years, I say this to every trans Victorian: our government will always support you. We will always respect you. Your rights are not negotiable. Police are the first responders who step in when others step away to keep Victorians safe. Hate speech inciting right-wing fringe groups, all at the invitation of a Liberal Party MP – shame on them all. They stand condemned. An apology is owed from the opposition leader to all Victorians.