Thursday, 23 March 2023

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Housing affordability


Housing affordability

Tim READ (Brunswick) (14:15): My question is for the Premier. There are an estimated 70,000 empty homes in Victoria, and we have a rental crisis. We could implement policies that would encourage their owners to put them on the long-term rental market. Will the government do this?

Daniel ANDREWS (Mulgrave – Premier) (14:15): I thank the member for Brunswick for his question and his interest in these matters. I think it is fair to say that we have put in place a number of different measures over our time in government – for instance, taxing at a differential rate vacant properties. I think that is a pretty good incentive. You know, if you do not use it, then you will be paying a higher tax rate and you will be helping to fund the construction of social housing and other important programs.

A member: 74 houses.

Daniel ANDREWS: Oh, here we go.

The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Eildon is warned.

Daniel ANDREWS: It is a shame none of you were that loud about social housing in the cabinet room during the four miserable years that you were in office and did not do a thing – not a stick of furniture, let alone any extra houses. We have got the Big Housing Build and they had a big waste of four years – four wasted years. But we should not be distracted by the appalling record of those opposite. The Greens have asked a question. The member for Brunswick has asked a question.

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: The member for Polwarth can leave the chamber for 1 hour.

Member for Polwarth withdrew from the chamber.

Daniel ANDREWS: There are a number of different measures we have taken, a number of different policies that we have put in place that are precisely targeted at the issue that the member references. I am the first to say that there is always more that we can do, always. As part of an ongoing process, not just in the budget, but an ongoing process, we are always looking for ways in which we can be innovative, ways in which we can be creative to provide the best solutions to often some of the most vulnerable people in the Victorian community. Whilst today is not the day to make announcements – I am sure the member would like me to but today is not the day to make such announcements – I think our record is one where we have moved in these sorts of spaces and done things that are directly about getting more stock to the market and more roofs over more vulnerable people’s heads.

Tim READ (Brunswick) (14:17): Specifically, regulation of the short-stay market, including platforms like Airbnb, has been used in a number of cities around the world such as New York, Dublin, Berlin and in New South Wales. Given a large number of these empty homes are on similar short-stay platforms, there is a ready source of available and already built accommodation that could be used. While I appreciate the Premier may not want the timetable rushed on making an announcement, it would be great to know if there is going to be any light at the end of the tunnel in terms of making those homes available in the near future.

Daniel ANDREWS (Mulgrave – Premier) (14:18): I was down at the Metro Tunnel this morning, and it is coming along very nicely. So we will not confuse things by mentioning tunnels. What I would say is that –

Members interjecting.

Daniel ANDREWS: Well, if –

The SPEAKER: Order! Through the Chair, Premier.

Daniel ANDREWS: I would be happy to just inform the member that the budget will be delivered on budget day. Other announcements will be made from time to time. Today is not the day for me to make announcements about housing policy. I do not necessarily think that it is the best way to go to suddenly say to that Airbnb sector, which often people who, I think particularly with rising interest rates, may well need and have come onto that Airbnb system or other short-stay system – platforms if you like – we have got to be careful when it comes to making big decisions like that. It is a pretty sweeping reform, and I have got no announcements to make about it today.