Thursday, 23 March 2023
Wantirna dog park and playground
Wantirna dog park and playground
Jackson TAYLOR (Bayswater) (17:16): (122) Well, in some pawsome news for Knox locals that will certainly be the anecdote for many a ruff day, I was excited to announce with my cavoodle Penny late last year that we will deliver a new dog park and playground in Wantirna to help locals make furever friends. This is something locals have been respectfully hounding me about for nearly a whole dog year, since I was very furst a local councillor. So I wish to raise a matter for the Minister for Environment, and the action I seek is for the minister to inform my community about the election commitment that we made to deliver a new dog park and playground in Wantirna and what the next steps are in delivering this pawsitively exciting project. While I expect many believe these puns are pawful and that I might be barking up the wrong tree, make no mistake, I am very proud of this Andrews Labor government pawlicy to deliver new parks like this in Wantirna and across the state.
Now for a couple of lines without puns, I promise. We know Victorians love their pets, we know that dog lovers need green, open spaces for exercise and play, and we know that our animals are more than just that – they are indeed family. That is why we funded 31 new dog parks across Victoria, ensuring every family has access to the facilities it needs. That is why we stood up for animal welfare by banning puppy farms and introducing the strictest breeding rules in the country. And it is why we made it easier for renters to have pets, enshrining their rights in legislation.
I want to end this contribution with but one more pun. I think it is quite funny – furgive me in advance. What did the dalmatian say after eating dessert? Man, that really hit the spot. And that is what I hope locals will be saying once this new park and playground is delivered for local families in Wantirna.