Thursday, 23 March 2023
Constituency questions
Evelyn electorate
Constituency questions
Evelyn electorate
Bridget VALLENCE (Evelyn) (14:29): (100) My question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety: when will Maroondah Highway, Coldstream, be duplicated and the dangerous intersection at Killara Road and Station Street be fixed – or have the state and federal Labor governments cut the $20 million in funding for Coldstream and stopped this vital road safety project? Twenty million dollars in Commonwealth funding was provided to the Andrews government’s Department of Transport back in 2019 expressly to fix the Maroondah Highway at Killara Road and Station Street, Coldstream. Why has the government sat on this funding for four years, further putting the safety of pedestrians and motorists in my community at risk? Are Premier Andrews and his Labor government waiting for another tragic death to occur on this road? In March 2022 the project was at planning stage with scoping underway, but in August 2022 the Labor government suddenly flipped and put this status ‘under review’. Why is this under review? Can you guarantee this project will proceed?