Thursday, 23 March 2023


Mornington electorate sports facilities

Mornington electorate sports facilities

Chris CREWTHER (Mornington) (17:29): (129) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Major Events. The action that I seek is for the minister to meet with representatives of local sporting organisations and me as well as other key stakeholders in the Mornington electorate to both discuss the urgent need for funding upgrades to the facilities and commit the necessary funds, which I will outline, in the upcoming state budget. I have had many constituents contact me to discuss the need for investment in a number of sporting and community organisations in the Mornington electorate, which has fallen behind in population growth or has otherwise been neglected by this Labor state government, particularly as compared with other districts. In the lead-up to the state election I consulted widely with such organisations and made several commitments from an elected Liberal state government that would have delivered much-needed upgrades.

Unfortunately, none of these commitments were matched by Mornington’s Labor candidate, so with the election of a Labor state government these organisations are continuing to have to seek funding and may be forced to struggle with inadequate facilities. So I urge the government to reconsider and commit. Some of the things I committed to during the campaign include the Mornington District Basketball Association, which has hit capacity with only three courts but thousands of members and participants, meaning they are unable to expand their player base. As such, the Mornington District Basketball Association at Mornington Secondary College needs a number of new courts and at least $5 million towards that happening. At Emil Madsen Reserve in Mount Eliza, which involves Mount Eliza soccer, cricket, football, netball and skating, they are in need of a $5 million funding boost. I would urge the state government to work with the federal government and council to see the major upgrade that is needed at Emil Madsen, the highest participation sporting complex in the country. I would like to see that happen as soon as possible.

With the Mornington Soccer Club, they need a $2.5 million pavilion upgrade plus fixed grounds as soon as possible. At Mount Eliza Bowling Club they are in need of much-needed upgrades after 35 years of deterioration, including at least $1 million to start with. At Mount Martha Soccer Club they need a fitted-out pavilion for their new pavilion that was built on the back of the $3 million of federal funding I secured a number of years ago towards building their new athletics track and soccer fields.

Going beyond these commitments, I would also like to see commitments for the Mornington civic bowls club, the Peninsula Pirates baseball pavilion, the Mornington Junior Football Club at Narambi Reserve, the Moorooduc Junior Football Club and various clubs that are involved at Ferrero Reserve. Once again, going back to this adjournment matter, I encourage the minister for sport to commit the needed funds to these organisations in my electorate in the upcoming budget and to meet with me as soon as possible.