Thursday, 23 March 2023
Questions without notice and ministers statements
Ministers statements: health infrastructure
Ministers statements: health infrastructure
Daniel ANDREWS (Mulgrave – Premier) (14:24): I am delighted to rise to add to my earlier ministers statement in relation to the government’s record investment in providing the very best health infrastructure so that our dedicated nurses and ambos, our doctors, our allied health professionals – the whole team to whom we are all so grateful and so, so proud – can provide the best care with that best equipment. Just recently I was up with the outstanding member for Ripon opening the new multimillion-dollar accommodation hub for healthcare workers at the Maryborough and district hospital. We are also essentially rebuilding the Maryborough and district hospital with more than $100 million of investment – great for local jobs, great for patients and great for staff as well. But it is not just in Ripon, as important as that community is.
I was very recently out with the member for Footscray at what is one of the biggest health infrastructure projects in the history of our state. It had more permanent cranes on that site than any other construction site in the Southern Hemisphere – absolutely outstanding in size and scale. The best for the west – that is what we are delivering. I spoke about Werribee Mercy just a little bit earlier. Not only is it about rapid access hubs and more surgery, there is a $100 million upgrade of the Werribee Mercy emergency department as well to be able to provide care and treatment for another 25,000 patients per year.
John Pesutto: I’m over here. I’m waiting.
Daniel ANDREWS: This is about health infrastructure, so it has got nothing to do with you – nothing to do with you at all. This is about building hospitals. The only way that this one would be relevant is if I was talking –
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, on standing order 108, ‘this one’ is not a title, and I ask the Premier to refer to people by their titles.
The SPEAKER: I ask the Premier to come back to his statement.
Daniel ANDREWS: He is always worth the wait, the member for Brighton, isn’t he? He is always worth the wait. As I was saying, the Leader of the Opposition wondered why I had not mentioned him. If I was talking about closing hospitals, he would get a mention. I am talking about building hospitals, and that is what we are doing – whether it is Wonthaggi –
John Pesutto: Like Melton. Like Warragul – how about Warragul? People can’t get health care with a media release. They need a hospital.
Daniel ANDREWS: Leader of the Opposition, all the best for Monday. I expect you will need it.
The SPEAKER: I acknowledge in the gallery former member for Brunswick Carlo Carli.
Annabelle Cleeland: On a point of order, Speaker, I have several outstanding questions that are now overdue: questions 53, 54 and 55 to the Treasurer, which were due on 10 March, and constituency question 24 to the Minister for Education, which is due today, so I am just pre-empting it might not come. I would appreciate you following these up with the ministers.
The SPEAKER: Those matters will be followed up.