Thursday, 23 March 2023
Point Cook schools
Point Cook schools
Mathew HILAKARI (Point Cook) (17:32): (130) The matter that I raise is for the Minister for Education, and the action that I seek is for the minister to join me in visiting Laverton P–12 College. I firstly want to thank the minister for their recent visit to Alamanda College K–9. The Labor government has of course been building and upgrading schools across the electorate, including support for planning for two new schools in Point Cook, part of the Labor government’s commitment to building 100 schools by 2026. Investment in education is invaluable, and I look forward to seeing these new schools take shape. This joins some of the amazing efforts that we have made for schools in our local area, including recently opening the Homestead Senior Secondary College and Saltwater P–9. Laverton P–12 College, although located outside the electorate that I represent, services a large portion of the community in Altona Meadows, and I believe the school would be greatly benefited by a visit from the minister. The Labor government is committed to great education across our state, and the commitment that we have made to education is of course unmatched. However, there is always more work to do, and I look forward to working closely with the minister to continue to achieve great outcomes for the people of Point Cook.