Wednesday, 19 June 2024


Community safety


Community safety

Brad BATTIN (Berwick) (10:15): I move, by leave:

That this house notes crime rates in Victoria continue to increase and violent crimes, including aggravated burglaries and armed robberies, are having lifelong impacts on victims and further notes increases in crime are due to the failure, for 10 years, of the Labor government to act.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes, with violent crime at decade-high levels in Victoria, that there are more victims who have been failed by the Labor government and that the continuous spin from Labor’s media releases will do nothing to have a downward impact on crimes to protect people in their homes.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes that the recent government announcement that 70 violent young offenders were arrested for offences of aggravated burglaries and weapon offences failed to highlight what percentage of the 70 were on bail at the time of their offences and how many were granted bail on these crimes.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes that since the introduction of Labor’s control of weapons bill, which failed to list machetes as a prohibited weapon, there continue to be increases in knife crime, including the use of machetes in aggravated burglaries and armed robberies.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes that the concerning trend of aggravated burglaries and violent armed robberies continues to increase, with many of these committed by young people on multiple sets of bail for previous violent crimes, and calls on Labor to fix the Bail Act to improve community safety.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes that the number of crimes remaining unsolved due to the Labor government failing to deliver 502 additional police or to fill the nearly 1000 vacancies on rosters across the state is a failure which means many offenders are getting away with violent crime and continuing to commit more crimes.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes the ongoing tobacco wars in Victoria, which are placing businesses and lives at risk as the firebombings continue in retail areas, and further notes the lack of action from the Labor government to address this issue.

Leave refused.

Brad BATTIN: I move, by leave:

That this house notes that the Allan Labor government continue to mislead the community as they have failed to deliver on their own commitment to deliver 502 additional police officers, putting police and communities at risk.

Leave refused.