Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Members statements

Thompsons Road, Clyde North

Thompsons Road, Clyde North

Brad BATTIN (Berwick) (10:32): One of our major roads, Thompsons Road, has become effectively Thompsons car park, particularly down through the Smiths Lane area going down to the south end of Clyde North. I heard it was going to be fixed – these were the words we just got from the other side – but there is no funding for Thompsons Road. There is funding for a roundabout in the next five years, but Thompsons Road itself does not have any funding in the budget. It is really important we do get that money into the budget as soon as possible, because the new schools down there are struggling. It is taking up to 45 minutes to travel about 3 kilometres to get to and from schools to drop children off, and this is placing a lot of pressure on families.