Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Members statements

Gendered violence

Michaela SETTLE

Gendered violence

Michaela SETTLE (Eureka) (10:44): Last week I attended an extraordinary event, the Ballarat student forum against gendered violence. Students from every school in Ballarat, both government and independent, came together to give their voice on the issue of gendered violence. The forum was instigated by Karen Snibson, the principal of Phoenix college, and organised with Stephan Fields from Ballarat High. Michael Poulton from Committee for Ballarat was the independent moderator, and many community and business leaders took part, including me and my colleagues the member for Wendouree and the member for Ripon. But the true leaders in the room that day were the thoughtful and committed students. They offered incredible insight and sought and found concrete actions to change the conversation amongst their peers.

The forum provided a space for students to come together and have their voice heard. Through workshops and discussion it sought to find tools that students could use for support and for the support of others. It gave me hope that we can find a better way. Students must be at the table as we work to eliminate gender-based violence. Their insight and experience are invaluable as we search to find ways to make real change. Congratulations to all involved. But most of all, to the students who attended and gave so much thought and energy, thank you. We hear you, and you have a voice in this debate.