Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Members statements

King’s Birthday honours


King’s Birthday honours

David SOUTHWICK (Caulfield) (10:23): A number of people were recognised as part of the King’s Birthday honours, and I want to especially recognise a number of those volunteers in my electorate, including Daniel Besen from the Besen family; Sharon Goldfeld; the late Jacob Goldstein; Sherene Hambur for her work particularly with the Jewish community and Zionism Victoria; Dr Ida Kaplan; the late David Zyngier; Annette Gladwin, who contacts me all the time when we have antisemitic attacks in the community and is tireless in terms of her work in calling out hate; Veronica Blair; Ms Gwyneth Fitzgerald; and Valerie Hall. These are really important people that do fantastic work. Professor Ross Coppel received an Order of Australia as well. Congratulations to him as well.