Wednesday, 19 June 2024



Wednesday 19 June 2024

The SPEAKER (Maree Edwards) took the chair at 9:33 am, read the prayer and made an acknowledgement of country.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, this morning Victoria Police advised members in a briefing that they are seeking stronger provisions around who can enter this building and also reforms to the Parliamentary Precincts Act 2001 because of significant deficiencies. I would appreciate your advice and I am sure the house would appreciate the advice on those two matters.

On a further point of order, Speaker, yesterday one of the Acting Speakers made a ruling and in effect pre-empted words that had not come out of a member’s mouth. On the last sitting day I moved a motion calling out concerns around impartiality and the importance of impartiality. The Acting Speaker, the member for Yan Yean, did that yesterday. I would appreciate your review of the incident that occurred, because it is not appropriate for an Acting Speaker to be putting words into a member’s mouth.

The SPEAKER: I will come back to the Manager of Opposition Business.