Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Members statements

Linda Maxwell


Members statements

Linda Maxwell

Natalie SULEYMAN (St Albans – Minister for Veterans, Minister for Small Business, Minister for Youth) (10:18): It is with great respect that I extend my heartfelt appreciation to the great Linda Maxwell, the principal of Keilor Downs College, as she heads towards a well-deserved retirement this year. Linda has been a dedicated teacher since 1982 and principal of Keilor Downs College from 2015. She has remained committed to education in the west throughout her 42 years of service. Linda is a remarkable leader and always goes above and beyond for her students, their families and her staff. Her influence has empowered individuals to embrace learning with confidence, shaping the fabric of our school community, including other principals, who she has always supported and given so much time to. You could ask any person about the impact that Linda has had on them and they would have special stories to share. I have had the privilege to work with Linda and witness her leadership in steering the school from strength to strength, scoring the best VCE results for the college.

I do want to thank Linda. It is very sad for her to be departing the Keilor Downs community. Your voice, your insight and your dedication will be greatly missed. But I do know that you will have a well-deserved retirement, and I do wish you the very best for your future endeavours. I wish to see you much more out in the west in a different capacity. All the very best for all the students.