Wednesday, 19 June 2024

Constituency questions

Thomastown electorate


Thomastown electorate

Bronwyn HALFPENNY (Thomastown) (14:51): (695) My question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and the question I ask is: can the minister tell us the timing of the Wollert rail feasibility study? During the 2022 federal election it was announced that an elected Albanese Labor government would fund the feasibility study into Wollert rail. This study would be undertaken in collaboration with the Victorian government. The suburbs of Wollert and North Epping are growing quickly, with new homes, shopping centres, schools, early education centres and community facilities being built by the Allan Labor government to create a wonderful place to work, live and raise a family. Now that we have a genuine partner in Canberra, my community would welcome an update on the progress of the study.