Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Members statements

St Joseph’s School, Brunswick West


St Joseph’s School, Brunswick West

Anthony CIANFLONE (Pascoe Vale) (09:51): On 6 August I had the pleasure to also visit St Joseph’s primary school in Brunswick West to meet with principal Matthew Davey. First established alongside the parish in 1913 on the corner of Melville Road and Hope Street, the school is now home to a vibrant community of 200 students. It was lovely to be updated by Principal Davey on the magnificent work of teachers, staff and families to support academic wellbeing and spiritual outcomes amongst students. I look forward to helping the school progress a range of its priorities, including around education infrastructure, facilities, resources and road safety for families along Melville Road, and I look forward to also welcoming the St Joseph’s students here to Parliament House in the next couple of weeks.