Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Constituency questions

Benambra electorate

Benambra electorate

Bill TILLEY (Benambra) (14:56): (788) My constituency question today is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. The information I seek is: when will Regional Roads Victoria repair the damage to Granya Road on either side of Granya in my electorate. This road has been restricted to just one lane under traffic light control in both directions for more than two years. I will say that again – for more than two years.

Danny O’Brien: Shame.

Bill TILLEY: Absolutely it is. On the northern side of the township temporary traffic lights funnel traffic into one lane to protect motorists from a compromised bridge and the gaping hole next to the road itself. On the southern side another set of traffic lights reduce traffic to one lane to avoid subsistence on the lower side of the road. Locals tell me this is no longer on Regional Roads Victoria’s work schedule. It should be, and it should be a priority.