Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Members statements
Caroline Chisholm Catholic College
Caroline Chisholm Catholic College
Luba GRIGOROVITCH (Kororoit) (09:59): I was recently invited by the youth in my electorate of Kororoit to speak to the senior students at Caroline Chisholm Catholic College. I got to talk to classes in economics, legal studies, business management and politics, sharing my experiences from both the union movement and my time in this place. It was great to see these students so engaged and so eager to learn. The tour of the school was truly impressive. School captains Mathias Sisay and Micah Cursio showed me around their amazing upgraded and new facilities. Seeing such a well-equipped school really drives home the importance of investing in modern educational facilities.
The afternoon was truly special, and thanks to Mr Paul Ives and Flavio Faccone, who arranged the itinerary, alongside the acting principal Ms Laura Ruddick. I enjoyed having a bite to eat and chatting with a number of teachers, and then I was given a tour by the co-captains Mathias and Micah and the director of development, who, coincidentally, I went to high school with in Altona at Mount St Joseph Girls’ College, Ms Jess Eng Forbes. I then addressed the year 12s in the school auditorium, where there were a number of brilliant questions, and I finished off the afternoon with the SRC and captains from years 10, 11 and 12 for an informal Q and A. It was a great afternoon, and it is clear that when we connect education with cutting-edge resources we are setting up our students for success. A big thanks to Caroline Chisholm Catholic College for their hospitality and best of luck to the VCE students for their upcoming exams.