Wednesday, 28 August 2024


Residential Tenancies and Funerals Amendment Bill 2024



Residential Tenancies and Funerals Amendment Bill 2024

Second reading

Debate resumed.

Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (18:00): Further to my previous contribution, I rise to continue in support of the Residential Tenancies and Funerals Amendment Bill 2024. Currently funeral providers are not required to display their price lists online or at their business premises. Funerals are difficult to arrange. They come at a time of grief and emotional turmoil for many. They need to be acted on quickly, and the views and feelings and often the financial circumstances of many different family members need to be taken into account when decisions are made.

Some people can make this time easier on the loved ones they have left behind by leaving instructions or letting people know their wishes, and I am very grateful that my late father made many decisions before he passed that assisted us through this difficult time. I am also very grateful to Joanne and the team at Tobin Brothers in Glenroy, who did such a wonderful job assisting us to navigate this difficult time and helping us provide a beautiful send-off for Dad.

Knowing that for nearly every family, costs are a consideration, Joanne sensitively advised us on costs and alternatives, and although we did not have to choose a coffin, as Dad generously donated his body to the University of Melbourne for medical research in the hope of helping other people with spinal injury, I was very grateful that Tobin Brothers provided all of their prices for coffins and caskets up-front on their website. And I must say that they have some awesome alternatives. You can choose environmentally friendly coffins, coffins with photos or designs vinyl-wrapped on them, literally a cardboard box – which, for the record, I am quite happy with, especially as it is biodegradable – and even a woven wicker casket for $1700, which I also quite like. Of course you can also choose a top-of-the-range majestic gold coffin for $47,000. Armed with this information, you can go home and in the privacy of your own space browse through slowly and privately and make choices without having to ask awkward and what may feel inappropriate but are important questions in the middle of a family meeting setting. This bill will make sure that all funeral providers will have to provide those costs up-front, just like Tobin Brothers already do, helping people make appropriate choices respectfully and with dignity.

Funeral directors provide care and exceptional service to families at a time when support is needed the most and assist families and loved ones with the utmost compassion and respect. This legislation will also make the work they do easier by avoiding awkward conversations about costs. I commend this bill to the house.

Ros SPENCE (Kalkallo – Minister for Agriculture, Minister for Community Sport, Minister for Carers and Volunteers) (18:03): I move:

That the debate be adjourned.

Motion agreed to and debate adjourned.

Ordered that debate be adjourned until later this day.