Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Rulings from the Chair

Constituency questions

Rulings from the Chair

Constituency questions

The SPEAKER (14:58): I have reviewed the constituency questions from yesterday. The member for Kororoit asked the minister to outline the benefits of a hospital, which is asking the minister for an action. I therefore rule the member’s question out of order. As sometimes there is a fine distinction between asking a question and seeking an action, I encourage members to phrase their questions by beginning with who, what, why, when or how, as this will generally avoid confusion about admissibility. If members are in doubt about whether their questions meet these requirements, please run them by me or the clerks.

The member for Hastings asked a broad policy question that he did not link sufficiently to his electorate or constituents, and I therefore rule his question out of order. I will again take this opportunity to remind members of my rulings and those of previous speakers that constituency questions must relate to constituents’ issues and not encompass broader policy issues, which can be included in questions on notice, and that members asking constituency questions should ensure that it is clear how their question relates to their constituency.