Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: housing

Ministers statements: housing

Jacinta ALLAN (Bendigo East – Premier) (14:46): I am delighted to update the house on the work our government is doing to build more homes for more Victorian families. When you consider why we are working so hard to build more homes, it is because we want young Victorians particularly to have the chance to live in the community that they grew up in, close to Mum and Dad, close to their family and friends, close to their jobs, close to perhaps great healthcare services, public transport and green space.

Last week I was delighted to join the Minister for Planning in such a location in the suburb of Camberwell, where we announced the start of our work on the 10 new activity centres across the state. When it comes to the community of Camberwell, it is a bustling community. There are shops, there are jobs, there are trams and there is a level crossing free Lilydale line running through the heart of Camberwell. Let me repeat that: a level crossing free Lilydale line. This is the perfect spot to unlock more homes for more young Victorians so future Johns and Janes can have the opportunity to live close to where they grew up, close to those important family supports.

These are exactly the sorts of communities that should not be locked up; they should be opened up. They have the services, the jobs, the infrastructure and the space to be able to locate more homes for more communities, more homes for more Victorians. We know those opposite oppose this every step of the way. We are getting on and building more homes for more Victorians.