Wednesday, 28 August 2024

Constituency questions

Monbulk electorate


Monbulk electorate

Daniela DE MARTINO (Monbulk) (14:54): (785) My question is for the Minister for Emergency Services. What is the Allan Labor government doing to support emergency services, including SES and CFA, in better preparing for managing severe storm events? This week we have experienced more wild weather across Victoria and in my electorate of Monbulk, encompassing most of the Dandenong Ranges. We face ongoing challenges in preparing for and responding to storm events. More is to come this week. On Sunday alone, Emerald SES responded to 45 call-outs. Since yesterday’s severe wind event they have received another 80-odd requests for assistance and counting. Emerald SES and our local CFAs in district 13 have developed an arrangement whereby SES asks CFA brigades to attend calls when the requests for assistance exceed the SES unit’s capacity to respond in a timely fashion. Our local CFAs have developed a taskforce to deal with storm events and ensure that access to roads and damage to buildings and vehicles is being addressed as quickly as possible. Time is running out, so I say thank you to our emergency services volunteers.