Thursday, 12 September 2024

Members statements

North East Link

North East Link

Colin BROOKS (Bundoora – Minister for Development Victoria, Minister for Precincts, Minister for Creative Industries) (10:15): The North East Link is the biggest ever investment in road transport in the north-eastern suburbs. This project, to build the missing link in our freeway network, has been put in the too-hard basket for too long. For years local roads had become rat runs for traffic between the northern ring-road and the Eastern Freeway. Locals in the Bundoora district know that in the long term the North East Link will be of incredible benefit to our local community, getting around 15,000 ‍trucks off our local roads. However, in the short term construction on such a scale does have its impacts. That is why an important part of the project is the $10 million North East Community Fund, supporting local initiatives and building upgrades in the suburbs most affected by construction.

I have been able to see for myself some of the fantastic results of this fund. Last Friday I saw the new undercover learning area at Streeton Primary School in Yallambie and an outdoor area upgrade at Skye Children’s Corporative in Macleod. And over the last two funding rounds in my electorate alone the fund has supported the school communities at Watsonia Primary, Watsonia North Primary, Watsonia Heights Primary, the Concord School, Apollo Parkways Primary, Greensborough Primary and St Mary’s Catholic primary school. There have been meeting room upgrades at local churches, kitchen upgrades at local football clubs and much, much more. Through this fund the North East Link is delivering a legacy of more than just transport benefits. School, sporting and community groups that I represent will enjoy its benefits for years to come.