Thursday, 12 September 2024

Constituency questions

Croydon electorate

Constituency questions

Croydon electorate

David HODGETT (Croydon) (14:48): (820) My constituency question is for the Premier, and I ask: what are your plans for the future of existing gas heaters and gas hot-water services should these appliances require replacement in the future? The constant flip-flop on gas policy is causing confusion and concern, with my office receiving multiple inquiries from constituents this week who do not want to be forced to change to electric heating or electric hot-water systems should their current gas systems break down or require an upgrade. The added financial expense of these forced directives is also causing great concern and anger. With widespread power outages occurring again recently due to wind and storms, these residents with gas stoves were at least able to cook meals while waiting for their electricity to be reconnected. Forcing all of Victoria to utilise an already fragile and unreliable energy grid is just bad policy.