Thursday, 12 September 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: housing

Ministers statements: housing

Sonya KILKENNY (Carrum – Minister for Planning, Minister for the Suburbs) (14:17): The Allan Labor government is taking action right now to make sure Victorians can have a place to call home – a safe, secure, affordable home in all the places they want to live, including in Hawthorn. If you are young and trying to buy or rent a home near where you grew up, if you are a little older and perhaps wanting to downsize but stay close to the grandkids or perhaps if you are wanting to start a family and need something a bit bigger, close to your support network and friends, we are making sure that you have that opportunity and choice. Recently I was delighted to join with the Premier when we announced new plans for 10 metropolitan activity centres across Melbourne. These are terrific, vibrant places that are close to public transport, services, schools and jobs. They are great, well-connected and well-serviced places where 60,000 new homes can go.

But the leader of the opposition to housing and his angry mob want to block homes. They want to stand in the way of Victorians having the dignity –

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! All members will show respect to members on their feet.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, it is unparliamentary for the minister to use a ministers statement to attack the opposition, and I would ask you also to ask the minister to table her scripted speech.

The SPEAKER: Is the minister reading from notes? The minister is not reading from notes. I would ask you to refrain from attacking the opposition during your ministers statement, Minister.

Sonya KILKENNY: Just this week David Davis in the other place, a member of the opposition’s own leadership team –

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, I understand that it is a script, but you did rule that the minister not attack the opposition. She did so in the sentence immediately after you asked her not to do so.

The SPEAKER: She mentioned a name; she did not say anything after. That is pre-empting what the minister was going to say. The minister will come back to her statement without attacking the opposition.

Sonya KILKENNY: Just this week David Davis in the other place actually asked me to stop my work on activity centres, to stop building homes in activity centres – places like Camberwell Junction, well serviced, on the Lilydale line, level crossing free, 5-minute services, upgrades to the primary school and the secondary school. That is the standard that has been set by the leader of the opposition to housing. We have seen him on the back of a ute, megaphone in hand, wanting to block more homes in his own electorate.

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! Member for Bentleigh, off you go for an hour.

Member for Bentleigh withdrew from chamber.

The SPEAKER: If members wish to be heard and do not wish to have interjections while they are on their feet, it is appropriate for both sides of the house to show respect to members on their feet.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, twice you have asked the minister not to attack the opposition, and on a third occasion the minister has, because it is a script. I appreciate it is a script, but I would ask you to bring the minister –

The SPEAKER: Order! I ask members not to make a statement when they make a point of order. The minister will come back to her statement without attacking the opposition.

Sonya KILKENNY: It is a statement of fact that those opposite are blocking more homes. But let me say this –

The SPEAKER: The minister is warned.

Jacinta Allan: It is a statement of fact.

The SPEAKER: I cannot determine fact.

Sonya KILKENNY: I will say this to the Leader of the Opposition: the courts are not the only ones judging you.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, you had warned the minister, and she stood up and defied your ruling after being warned on a fourth occasion.

The SPEAKER: What is your point of order?

James Newbury: I would ask you to sit the minister down.

The SPEAKER: The minister has concluded her ministers statement.