Thursday, 12 September 2024

Rulings from the Chair

Constituency questions

Rulings from the Chair

Constituency questions

The SPEAKER (14:57): I have reviewed the constituency questions from yesterday. The members for Caulfield and Richmond asked broad policy questions that were not sufficiently linked to their electorates or constituents, and I therefore rule their questions out of order. The member for Rowville asked the minister to tell the constituents of Rowville when the minister intended to do something, which is an action, and I therefore rule the member’s question out of order. The member for Polwarth asked two questions in his question, and I therefore rule the question out of order.

Sam Hibbins: On a point of order, Speaker, I draw your attention to some overdue and unanswered questions: constituency question 726, regarding the return of the Domain Road tram; questions on notice 1426 and 1486, both regarding the selling off of the Windsor children’s centre land; and adjournment 757, calling on the minister to stop the rezoning of the Windsor children’s centre land. I ask that ministers be contacted and asked to respond.

The SPEAKER: Could you hand your list to the Clerk, please. I ask members if they are raising points of order on constituency questions to be very succinct.