Thursday, 12 September 2024


Criminal Organisations Control Amendment Bill 2024

Criminal Organisations Control Amendment Bill 2024

Second reading

Debate resumed on motion of Anthony Carbines:

That this bill be now read a second time.

Paul HAMER (Box Hill) (17:00): I rise to speak on the Criminal Organisations Control Amendment Bill 2024. In starting I just want to reflect on some of the contributions that were made earlier, particularly by the member for Frankston and the member for Laverton. This bill is talking about police powers.

The SPEAKER: Order! The time set down for consideration of the remaining items on the government business program has arrived, and I am required to interrupt business.

Motion agreed to.

Read second time.

Third reading

Motion agreed to.

Read third time.

The SPEAKER: The bill will now be sent to the Legislative Council and their agreement requested.