Thursday, 12 September 2024


Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action workforce

Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action workforce

Tim BULL (Gippsland East) (18:18): (844) My adjournment tonight is to the Minister for Environment, and the action I seek is for the minister to provide the specifics on the reduction of Department of Energy, Environment and Climate Action job positions in East Gippsland. This comes on the back of an article in the Weekly Times which published documents outlining DEECA job losses, including Forest Fire Management Victoria jobs. We have also had contact this week from family members and community members who have come into the office or emailed the office confirming that there will be a reduction in positions in locations like Orbost, Swifts Creek, Nowa Nowa and Heyfield. I have also been advised that some jobs will become regional, and some workers have been offered to reapply for positions with less pay. In my request for the specifics I ask the minister to clarify all this, but most importantly: how many DEECA positions are being reduced in Gippsland East and at what locations?