Thursday, 12 September 2024


Liberal Party


Liberal Party

Nick STAIKOS (Bentleigh) (09:46): I move, by leave:

That this house:

(1) notes the comments from the member for Southern Metropolitan in the other place that there is a pattern of defiance in the Liberal Party;

(2) condemns the Victorian Liberal Party for spending more time focused on themselves than the Victorian people; and

(3) notes that the member for Hawthorn is not fit to lead the state if he cannot lead his own party.

Leave refused.

James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, on standing order 115, the government is putting up members to move motions, and then is denying their own members leave. How can we maintain order in this chamber when the government will not even debate the motions they are moving?

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! How can we maintain order in this house when members will not obey any rules in this house? I am extremely disappointed with the behaviour this morning. Anyone can deny leave. Leave has been denied to the member for Bentleigh.

Ella GEORGE (Lara) (09:48): I move, by leave:

That this house:

(1) agrees with the comments from the Leader of the Nationals, who said some members of the Liberal Party needed to take a cold shower; and

(2) condemns the Victorian Liberal Party for spending more time focused on themselves than the Victorian people.

Leave refused.