Thursday, 17 October 2024

Constituency questions

Polwarth electorate


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Constituency questions

Polwarth electorate

Richard RIORDAN (Polwarth) (14:50): (850) My question this afternoon is directed to the Minister for Agriculture, and my question to the minister is: Minister, could you please respond directly to Greg and Jodi Clarke from Great Ocean Ducks, who wrote to you on 23 September? The question they had for you is: can you support them with a short-term loan to assist with the effects of the avian flu that has devastated so many poultry businesses across the state? The Clarkes set up a business some five or six years ago, providing high-quality gourmet duck to some of the best restaurants across the state. It has been a great business. It has survived through COVID but is at great risk of really suffering because of avian influenza, because they are unable to get a duck supply in to continue to supply their customers. They need immediate assistance to help keep their staff and to upgrade some of the elements that biosecurity at Agriculture Victoria want them to do.