Thursday, 17 October 2024


Country Fire Authority volunteer compensation scheme

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Country Fire Authority volunteer compensation scheme

Peter WALSH (Murray Plains) (17:14): (871) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Emergency Services in the other place, and the action I seek is a full overhaul of the CFA volunteer compensation scheme procedures and the introduction of independent medical panels to review and guide decisions on complex or controversial compensation claims to ensure fair and due process. I have been approached by dedicated CFA volunteers in my electorate expressing their concern and dismay at a recent decision by the CFA command which is having a serious impact on the morale of these selfless volunteers. The recent decision by the Honourable Justice Melinda Richards against the CFA was scathing of the CFA’s actions in terminating a volunteer’s PTSD claim. CFA volunteers who have approached me are concerned that unless there is an overhaul of the way the CFA handles volunteer claims, they and their families will not get the support they need and deserve in the future.

One of the volunteers who raised concerns with me has more than a decade of experience as a CFA volunteer firefighter and has attended many traumatic incidents, including house fires linked to domestic violence and attempted murder, a house fire with a fatality, three suicides and at least five road accidents involving a fatality or critical injuries to children. Through his role with the CFA this volunteer has been exposed to immeasurable stress and has sought professional support services to assist him at these times. He and others are now worried that they and their families may not get support and protection if they develop a diagnosable mental health condition linked to their time as a CFA volunteer. Unless volunteers have faith that the CFA will support them, there is a risk that volunteer numbers will decline, and this will have an impact on community safety. On behalf of the volunteers that you represent as minister, please hear their call for an overhaul of the volunteer compensation scheme and the introduction of independent medical panels to review and guide decisions on complex or controversial compensation claims to ensure fair and due process.