Thursday, 17 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Victorian Honour Roll of Women


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Ministers statements: Victorian Honour Roll of Women

Natalie HUTCHINS (Sydenham – Minister for Jobs and Industry, Minister for Treaty and First Peoples, Minister for Women) (14:10): The Allan Labor government continues to support, believe in and celebrate the contributions of Victorian women. Last night we inducted another 21 women onto the Victorian honour roll – outstanding women like Julie Andrews, a leading Aboriginal Victorian scholar, world-renowned for her work; Judy Small, who not only forged a path for women on the Supreme Court but was also an accomplished outstanding folk singer who released 12 albums; and local champion Fartun Farah, who established the East African Women’s Foundation, bringing together Somali-speaking women from across Melbourne and advocating for them.

It was an absolute joy to be there last night, and it was a joy because, unlike those opposite, this side of the house respects women. We hear women and their contributions. We do not shout at them with profanities.

Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, this government could not protect women from the Labor MPs in creep corner, and on relevance I would ask you to bring the minister back to being relevant.

The SPEAKER: There is not a point of order. I ask members to state their point of order at the commencement of the point of order. It is not an opportunity to make a statement to the house.

Natalie HUTCHINS: This year also we are celebrating 30 years of affirmative action on this side of the house. I know that this term is probably unfamiliar to those opposite, but let me explain it like you would explain it to a child perhaps. Affirmative action is the reason we have more women on our front bench than you have in your entire party room. More than half of our caucus room are Victorian Labor women, and 65 per cent of our cabinet table is made up of women.

I congratulate Victoria’s newest inductees to the honour roll. I cannot wait to see more women added to the 750 women on that roll. That roll has been going for 23 years. It will continue on. We will continue to value women’s roles in this house and achievements outside.