Thursday, 17 October 2024

Questions without notice and ministers statements

Ministers statements: Respectful Relationships

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Ministers statements: Respectful Relationships

Vicki WARD (Eltham – Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, Minister for Employment) (14:36): Words matter and respect matters. We are updating our Respectful Relationships materials and supporting the expansion of Respectful Relationships programs across our independent and Catholic schools. We need to support our kids to navigate a constantly changing world. Kids and parents need tools to help them be safe. We have heard the Premier and the Prime Minister call out damaging online behaviour, and I welcome the work to limit young teens’ and kids’ access to certain social media.

We can have an online world where respect can disappear, where kindness and empathy for difference can evaporate and where online influencers say women belong in the home, cannot drive and are a man’s property. Our kids must be empowered to recognise and name harmful and hurtful behaviour. Kids know when people are being unkind, and Respectful Relationships helps our kids understand how to respond to disrespectful behaviour, keeping themselves and their friends safe. Just as it matters what is said in the classroom, it also matters in politics. Sexism and disrespect towards women create a permissive environment that can lead to violence. Disrespect towards people with disabilities, older people and people of different faiths and backgrounds can create spaces for aggression, repression and violence to fester. Respect is paramount for a society to flourish and for people to be their best, their strongest and their safest selves.

As leaders in communities, what we say matters too. It is harmful when a person of influence like Jeff Kennett uses derogatory and belittling language towards young women. It is harmful when gendered insults are used in this place, such as when the member for Brighton uses ‘nasty’ more than 12 times directed at the Premier. Let us be clear: on this side of the chamber we are committed to the safety of all Victorians and we are committed to Respectful Relationships.

Members interjecting.

The SPEAKER: Order! We have just talked about respectful behaviour.