Thursday, 6 February 2025
Motions by leave
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Motions by leave
James NEWBURY (Brighton) (10:08): I move, by leave:
That this house acknowledges the alarming Standard & Poor’s credit rating report which warns that ‘ratings revisions loom’ because of the state Labor government’s financial ill-discipline and their failure to ‘curb rising operating costs and cost blowouts’, which is ‘also delaying forecasted financial consolidation’.
Leave refused.
Gabrielle DE VIETRI (Richmond) (10:08): I move, by leave:
This house notes that the President of the United States has declared his intention to complete Israel’s horrific ethnic cleansing of Palestinians and that the US would take over and own Gaza and calls on this government to publicly condemn the President and assert unreservedly its commitment to global peace and international law and immediately end its support for any US and Israeli weapons and weapons parts companies.
Leave refused.