Thursday, 6 February 2025
Constituency questions
Evelyn electorate
Constituency questions
Evelyn electorate
Bridget VALLENCE (Evelyn) (14:48): (970) Birmingham Primary School in Mount Evelyn needs a new fit-for-purpose school stadium. On behalf of the students, families and teachers, my question is to the Minister for Education: how much funding will be allocated in the 2025–26 budget to build a new multipurpose stadium with a gymnasium, a kitchen and change rooms at Birmingham Primary School? Currently the school has no indoor space that can accommodate all students and teachers in one location for assemblies, school presentations or indoor sport when the weather outside is searing hot or raining. I have visited Birmingham Primary School many times and know how this new stadium would provide a significant benefit to the school. It would also provide a refuge for the Mount Evelyn community in times of bushfire and storms. At the 2022 election we pledged to deliver this project, but so far the Labor government has refused to do so. A shout-out to principal Trish Enzinger, her staff and parent volunteers for their amazing advocacy on this issue. We require funding for Birmingham Primary School, Mount Evelyn, for a new stadium at their school.