Thursday, 6 February 2025
Constituency questions
Narracan electorate
Narracan electorate
Wayne FARNHAM (Narracan) (14:56): (978) My constituency question is to the Minister for Roads and Road Safety, and I ask: when will the minister take action to address the crippling traffic facing Drouin residents? Drouin is among the fastest growing towns in our state. We have a population boom that has resulted in traffic within the township of Drouin literally coming to a standstill. Drouin’s south road is just one example of this. During school time, traffic attempting to move from south to north back through the main business district is impossible. Residents know it is an issue, our shire knows it is an issue and VicRoads knows it is an issue. It appears only the state government is ignoring the issue. We need a bypass and a road network upgrade undertaken as a matter of urgency, and I look forward to a response from the minister for my community.