Thursday, 6 February 2025
Constituency questions
Kororoit electorate
Kororoit electorate
Luba GRIGOROVITCH (Kororoit) (14:57): (979) My question is for the Minister for Education. Can the minister tell me how much money families have saved in Kororoit on the cost of their kids’ school uniforms, textbooks, excursions and school activities thanks to this Labor government’s school saving bonus? The school saving bonus introduced by the Allan Labor government continues to provide financial relief not only to families in my electorate of Kororoit but across Victoria, helping Victorian families manage back-to-school expenses for the 2025 school year, including those from government and eligible non-government schools. They can use the $400 bonus to purchase school uniforms, textbooks and fun activities like camps and excursions. The school saving bonus is part of a wider effort by this Labor government to ease cost-of-living pressures, alongside programs like the free dental check-ups, the free glasses for students and of course the much-loved school breakfast club, which I know many of us have gone and visited in a number of schools across our electorates.
Bridget Vallence: On a point of order, Speaker, I have a number of unanswered questions dating back to July 2024. There are two to the Minister for Water, constituency question 942 and question on notice 1930; three questions to the Minister for Skills and TAFE, questions on notice 1908, 1357 and 1358; and 37 questions to the Minister for Economic Growth and Minister for Finance. They are adjournment 833 and questions on notice 1621–23, 1763, 1896–1900, 1931–48 and 1950–57. I would appreciate a response for our constituents.
The SPEAKER: Member for Evelyn, if you could give your list to the clerks. It is very hard for them to follow when they are being read out. I just want to remind members that I am conscious of unanswered questions and that there will be reminders regularly sent to ministers that they have not answered these questions. I am also mindful that there have been some portfolio changes and I am allowing some time to adjust to that; however, if ministers continue to defy the standing orders to respond, that will be addressed here in the chair.
Chris Crewther: On a point of order, Speaker, my list is not quite as long as the member for Evelyn’s, but it is important nevertheless. Constituency question 918, which was due on 14 December, to the Minister for Prevention of Family Violence, remains unanswered. I would ask that that be followed up.