Thursday, 6 February 2025
Members statements
Australia Day
Australia Day
Vicki WARD (Eltham – Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Natural Disaster Recovery, Minister for Equality) (10:31): Last December, Eltham Lions Club president Peter Talbot, who can be a bit of a legend, had an idea that he wanted to help our community come together in an inclusive and celebratory way on Australia Day. In an incredibly short time, with the support of local community and organisations, it happened. On Australia Day we got together in Eltham town square and celebrated our shared values of inclusion, kindness and helpfulness and the simple joy of singing, eating, laughing and having fun together. This wonderful event was made possible thanks to the hard work and collaboration of fantastic community groups like Eltham Lions Club, the Rotary Club of Eltham, Eltham Men’s Shed, Eltham Prostate Cancer Information and Support Group, Imagine Reevolution and the Eltham Girl Guides. This support and involvement ensured the day was filled with warmth and laughter.