Thursday, 6 February 2025
Mary-Anne THOMAS (Macedon – Leader of the House, Minister for Health, Minister for Ambulance Services) (17:36): The member for Nepean raised a matter for the attention of the Premier, and the action he seeks is for the Premier to take further action – she is already taking some – in relation to the McCrae landslide. The member for Pascoe Vale raised a matter for the Minister for Education, and the action he seeks is that the minister provide him an update on investments right across his electorate of Pascoe Vale, but in particular Coburg West Primary School, where the member himself was proudly a student – and not that long ago. The member for Ovens Valley raised a matter for the attention of the Treasurer, and the action that the member seeks is that the Treasurer consider including Dinner Plain as an alpine resort.
The member for Preston raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Planning, and the action he seeks is for the minister to join with him in visiting the Preston activity centre to discuss ongoing vision and work in that area. The member for Bulleen, who has left the chamber, raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Public and Active Transport. The member for Broadmeadows raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Small Business and Employment, and the action that she seeks is that the minister join her at the jobs hub in Broadmeadows, part of a massively successful suburban revitalisation project led by this government in the member’s electorate, and I am sure she would very much look forward to joining you there. The member for Mornington raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Housing and Building. He is seeking an update on initiatives to address homelessness in his electorate.
The member for Kororoit had a very interesting matter for the attention of the Minister for Environment, and that is that the minister investigate what has happened to Frank, the beloved goose who has been a fixture in Caroline Springs for a long time. The member for Hawthorn raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Skills and TAFE, and he is seeking action in relation to government investment in vocational training in his electorate. The member for Albert Park raised a matter for the attention of the Minister for Housing and Building, and the member for Albert Park is seeking an update on progress of a Common Ground project in St Kilda that is meeting the needs of people experiencing homelessness in that suburb and area.
The SPEAKER: Thank you, Minister. Thank you, members. Thanks as always to the clerks and attendants. The house now stands adjourned.
House adjourned 5:40 pm.