Thursday, 6 February 2025
Broadmeadows electorate ministerial visit
Broadmeadows electorate ministerial visit
Kathleen MATTHEWS-WARD (Broadmeadows) (17:24): (996) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Small Business and Employment, and the action I seek is for the minister to join me in a visit to the Broadmeadows local jobs hub and the wonderful social enterprise the Common Bean Cafe. The Broadmeadows Suburban Revitalisation Board has been at the forefront of establishing and supporting social enterprises in Broadmeadows, and I thank our wonderful members: Gina Dougall, CEO of Banksia Gardens; Don Tidbury, CEO of DPV Health; Robert Hannaford, CEO of Brite Industries; Sheena Frost, CEO of Hume City Council; Sally Curtain, CEO of Kangan Institute; Emeritus Professor Greg Baxter, chair of the Hume Jobs and Skills Taskforce; Rebecca Power, CEO of Spectrum; Jenni Smith, CEO of Northern Community Legal Centre; Jeroam Whittington, centre manager of Broadmeadows shopping centre; and Kim Stadtmiller, executive officer of the Hume Whittlesea Local Learning and Employment Network.
Fabulous initiatives, partnerships and projects have resulted due to the strong collaborations between board members and their organisations, and it is a privilege to co-chair the board along with the mayor of Hume Jarrod Bell. The Common Bean Cafe has now expanded to four locations across Broadmeadows, offering employment and training opportunities and of course providing delicious coffee. The local jobs hub is another incredible example of local partnerships providing opportunities and life-changing outcomes for people who face barriers to employment. At a recent round table hosted by WCIG Broadmeadows I felt so proud to represent an area with such committed local organisations doing so much work to bring opportunities and social justice for the people of Broadmeadows and beyond.
I again thank Greg Baxter for his leadership, Hume City Council for their wonderful support of local jobs and economic development and all of the organisations involved with the jobs network, including those from the revitalisation board and AMES, Northern Health, Brotherhood of St Laurence, Jesuit Social Services, the Australian Manufacturing Workers’ Union, CSL, Melbourne Airport, La Trobe University, Victoria University, North Link, Mac Solutions, the National Caravan Industry Training centre, Lendlease, Nestlé, the Victorian Skills Authority and the wonderful Whittlesea Community Connections.
I also thank Minister Ward, the previous Minister for Employment, for her strong advocacy to the federal government for the inclusion of mentors in federal programs, which have been proven to be so successful in the Jobs Victoria program. It was great to have her and federal colleagues Maria Vamvakinou, Peter Khalil, Andrew Giles and our hardworking federal Labor candidate for Calwell Basem Abdo at Minister Murray Watt’s announcement of a local jobs hub pilot in Broadmeadows through the new $10 million National Priority Fund, supporting more local people into secure and fulfilling work. I thank the federal government for their investment in Broadmeadows.
Another great federal investment in Broadmeadows is the extraordinary announcement of a $3.3 million grant to the urban development strategy. This funding will help drive further economic growth, improve infrastructure and make Broadmeadows an even better place to live, work and invest. The revitalisation board and Hume council officers are to be commended for their dedication and hard work in securing this funding. I congratulate Minister Suleyman on her new portfolio and thank her for her longstanding commitment to and tireless advocacy for small business.