Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Members statements
Montrose bushfire
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Montrose bushfire
Daniela DE MARTINO (Monbulk) (10:08): On Saturday a fire broke out at Dr Ken Leversha Reserve in Montrose on the boundary of my electorate of Monbulk and the district of Evelyn. The heat and dry fuel created the right conditions for this initial grass and scrub fire to quickly evolve into a bushfire. Later that night gusts turned it from a ‘Watch and act’ to an emergency warning ‘Take shelter now’. Sadly, there was property loss, and I extend my sincerest thoughts to those who lost their homes or suffered damage. Thankfully, no lives were lost. My own cousin’s backyard is charred black. The fire came within a metre of her gas hot-water system on the back of the house. The fear and terror they experienced as the embers attacked their home cannot be understated.
This fire is a stark reminder to everyone across the hills and foothills to please have an emergency plan for fire and storms. Unreserved thanks to each and every CFA volunteer and all from Forest Fire Management Victoria, FRV and Victoria Police who worked tirelessly to keep the community safe. Save for their concerted efforts and the help of some rain, it could have been so much worse for so many more.