Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Bellarine electorate schools
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Bellarine electorate schools
Alison MARCHANT (Bellarine) (19:17): (1078) My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is for the minister to visit our incredible Bellarine schools. In the Bellarine we have a number of exciting developments happening across our schools. Barwon Heads Primary School have continued to build upon their phonics program in the classroom this year, implementing the updated Victorian teacher and learning model, with explicit teaching at its core so the students can achieve their very best and thrive in that classroom. Drysdale Primary School are building an inclusive playground for students of all abilities to play, learn and develop, thanks to some funding from the Capital Works Fund in the 2024–25 round. Bellarine Secondary College were also successful in this funding and are refurbishing their facilities. Last month I visited Wallington Primary School. They have commenced their works of the $2.1 million upgrade of their classrooms and learning spaces. These upgrades will add to the inclusive playground that was built at Wallington Primary School last year. I would be pleased to welcome the minister to visit our Bellarine schools and to see firsthand our government’s investment into education.