Wednesday, 19 March 2025

Constituency questions

Eildon electorate


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Constituency questions

Eildon electorate

Cindy McLEISH (Eildon) (14:45): (1044) I have a question for the Minister for Roads and Road Safety. What impact will the Yan Yean Road upgrade ultimately have on the Hurstbridge township? Local residents in Hurstbridge, Nutfield, Wattle Glen, Arthurs Creek and Doreen are concerned the stage 2 Yan Yean Road development known as option B, scheduled to begin later this year, will funnel traffic from the busy Yan Yean Road into quiet Hurstbridge via Doctors Gully Road. Hurstbridge is a small town of about 3500 people with a single-lane bridge and windy, single-lane country roads. I expect the government has done some modelling to determine the impact, and I would appreciate that modelling be shared. Residents are concerned that the extra traffic from Yan Yean Road, which carries about 24,000 vehicles a day, will impact greatly on the small community, including its shops, homes, roads and facilities.