Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Education funding
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Education funding
Eden FOSTER (Mulgrave) (19:02): (1072) My adjournment is directed to the Deputy Premier in his capacity as Minister for Education, and the action I seek is an update on the contributions that are being made to Victorian public schools as part of the new historic agreement that ensures full and fair funding in partnership with the Albanese Labor government. The Allan Labor government has consistently demonstrated its commitment to education in Victoria, from free TAFE and free three- and four-year-old kinder to the $753 million allocated in our previous budget for maintaining and upgrading schools. Our achievements are numerous and impactful, promising benefits for generations to come. In my electorate I am proud to represent several outstanding public schools. I see firsthand the dedication of staff and teachers, who work tirelessly to educate our future generations. These schools deserve full and fair funding, which is why I am thrilled that our government has a supportive partner in Canberra with the Albanese Labor government, who understand the importance of education. The Albanese Labor government’s announcement that there will be additional funding for the schooling resource standard provided means more individualised support for students, the implementation of evidence-based teaching practices and enhanced mental health supports in schools. I extend my gratitude to the Albanese government for prioritising public education and ensuring that Victoria receives the fair attention and funding it has long deserved.