Wednesday, 19 March 2025
Business of the house
Notices of motion and orders of the day
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Business of the house
Notices of motion and orders of the day
Notices given.
Mary-Anne Thomas having given notice:
James Newbury: On a point of order, Speaker, as a member of the Standing Orders Committee, does the government have the power to gag this chamber on standing order changes that have not been through the Standing Orders Committee?
The SPEAKER: Order! That is not a question for the Chair. This is a matter for the house.
James Newbury interjected.
The SPEAKER: Order! The member for Brighton knows that you cannot ask the Speaker or the Chair questions. If you wish to discuss the matter, you can come and speak to me in my chambers.
Further notices given.
The SPEAKER (09:39): General business, notices of motion 41 to 68 and orders of the day 7 and 8, will be removed from the notice paper unless members wishing their matter to remain advise the Clerk in writing before 2 pm today.