Wednesday, 19 March 2025



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Vicki WARD (Eltham – Minister for Emergency Services, Minister for Natural Disaster Recovery, Minister for Equality) (19:24): I thank the member for Wendouree for inviting me to visit local representatives of the rainbow community in her electorate. I want to thank her for this very kind invitation and also acknowledge and thank her for her allyship and her support of rainbow community members in Ballarat. I love going to Ballarat. It is a wonderful community, and I know it is a community that she is extremely proud of. I look forward very much to meeting with her and other community members in the near future.

Among other matters tonight, the member for Evelyn had a matter for the Minister for Education. She wanted a provision of a multipurpose stadium for the Yarra Hills Mount Evelyn campus in her electorate. The member for Mulgrave called on the Deputy Premier and Minister for Education, and she sought an update on the recent federal agreement with the Albanese government that brings increased and equitable funding for our schools. The member for Mildura had a matter for the Minister for Health, and she is seeking the ongoing funding of the Royal Flying Doctor community transport beyond 30 June this year.

The member for Bayswater had a matter for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, seeking an update on the final designs for the upgrade of the Boronia station precinct. The member for Sandringham had a matter for the Minister for the Suburban Rail Loop and is seeking to have a meeting with local communities regarding the minister hearing the view of locals on the Suburban Rail Loop. The member for Ringwood had an adjournment matter which was directed to the Premier, seeking for the government to alter the Victorian Charter of Human Rights to include the right to housing. The member for Bellarine had a matter for the Minister for Education, seeking the minister visit the incredible schools in the Bellarine electorate. The member for Kew had a matter for the Minister for Education, and the member is seeking a fair allocation of funds for the schools in her Kew electorate. And the member for Kororoit had a matter for the Minister for Multicultural Affairs and is asking the minister for an update on how the Allan Labor government is helping to keep Muslims safe in her community.

The DEPUTY SPEAKER: The house stands adjourned until tomorrow morning.

House adjourned 7:26 pm.